Thursday, July 10, 2008

Road Trip

Going downtown to Ikea. Looking for various and sundry things only found in a warehouse the size of Delaware. I will leave a trail of bread crumbs - if you don't hear from me, remember me fondly. But it would be lovely if you would send a search party.



Blogger Finding Normal said...

That's just cruel! The nearest one is about an hour away, and John Deere Mom Ang and I have big plans to go there this summer without children. We need to schedule that so it'll actually happen!!!!

7/10/2008 1:56 PM  
Blogger cupcake said...

Let me know beforehand next time and I'll give you a list.

I've always got a list for Ikea. Shame that I live so far away from one.

7/10/2008 11:22 PM  
Blogger teachergirl said...

How about next time, we just all go together?

7/11/2008 9:27 AM  
Blogger The Vegas Art Guy said...

I am so envious! I love IKEA but there is not a single one in Nevada!

I hope you had fun!

7/14/2008 12:11 AM  

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