Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Great Migration

I haven't checked recently, but I believe that I must have a revolving door on the front of my classroom. I just found out during lunch today that I am getting another new student. What is going on? Is there some sort of mass migration I am unaware of? Will we look back on this period of history and name it? What is the deal? I got a new student two days ago; it was a student I lost before Christmas. She had gone to live with her dad. Now she's back. Guess who's running the show at her house? And since we spent all last week doing Performance Series Testing, guess who's got to figure out how to fit in the testing of these two new girls? And it's just Tuesday.

At least tomorrow is payday.

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Blogger Jane said...

We are having the same problem at my school. We lost nearly 200 students since I started teaching there in 2003. The high rents in the area are driving families to Texas, Las Vegas and Colorado. Plus we missed our NCLB goal by .5% so all the parents got a letter saying that their kids could transfer out. So 25 families are moving to other schools. The bright side is that soon we might qualify to move from year round multi-track to single track traditional calendar. Boy would I love to have summer again!

2/03/2007 1:08 AM  

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