Friday, July 25, 2008

Did You Ever Feel Like You Just Don't Do Enough?

While channel surfing this morning, I stumbled across "A Baby Story" and had to stop. This woman, Eve Moskowitz, gave birth while wearing her pearls. Apparently the ones she is wearing in the above picture. Same earrings, too.
Come to find out, she was a New York Councilman/woman, has a Ph.D. in history from Johns Hopkins and has started a charter school in Harlem. Oh, yes, and she's married and the mother of three.
I'll bet Eve never channel surfs.



Blogger cupcake said...

Let me just say that Eve and I could never, ever be friends.

7/25/2008 12:04 PM  
Blogger Melissa B. said...

Are you sure Ms. Moskowitz is not a University of Virginia alum? I understand they are REQUIRED to wear pearls & khaki at all times! :) BTW, it's that time of week again--please drop on in for a little Silly Summer Sunday Sweepstakes. You have 2 chances to play!

7/27/2008 5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't you want to say, "WHATEVER!" I wish I had my life together like this.

8/02/2008 1:18 PM  

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