Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Sleep; To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

I am drop dead exhausted, y'all.

I have been out of my house the past three evenings in a row.

Book club Monday night. Don't get me started on the disastrous choices they have laid out for us to read for October. I refuse. I will go to the party but will not buy either of their choices, including one Swan House, by a former Atlanta native who now resides in the south of France where she serves as a missionary and writes Christian fiction. Discuss among yourselves. Because that raises all kinds of questions I certainly can't answer.

Last night, the LB and I went to Back to School night at Prep's school. We were on the death march to Bataan, going to and from classes in a herd of well dressed preppy folk. By the time we got to French 4 (my question is does Prep know any French at all) we were late to class and had to stand, shamefaced in the back. Prep has learned French from several foreigner teachers, including a Chinese woman and an African man. No French nationals. Discuss. Because, again, it raises all kinds of questions I cannot answer.

In Botany, LB leaned over to me and started quoting Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men." He started off with "I'd just appreciate it if you'd just say thank you or take up a rake and shovel and start out there in the garden." I don't know why he got started or why I thought it was so damned funny, but it took everything in me not to snort out loud. Poor, precious botany teacher is about 12 years old. And has a ponytail. Quite a few of the teachers I looked at this year are about 12; and Prep is 16, so I am a little concerned, to say the least.

Tonight was choir.

Right now, I am watching Prep graph functions. I really don't understand what she's doing and the mere fact that she asked me to help her cracks me up. I handed her the colored pencils. That's about all I remember from Calculus. And in actuality, I don't even remember using the colored pencils.

I think it's time to form that prayer chain Cupcake keeps talking about.



Blogger cupcake said...

OOooh. Graphing functions! That makes Back to School night with the preppies sound positively delightful.

Here's to a good night's sleep. For both of us, if you don't mind me hijacking your post. I am bone tired, teach. Oprah bless us every one.

9/11/2008 6:27 AM  
Blogger Finding Normal said...

Calculus? I had a TA/friend ask yesterday if I could still do calculus because her kid has a C and needs a tutor. Yeah, um, 6th grade math and calc are slightly different. I explained to her that I took AP calc once upon a time, and we had a homework group that met twice weekly at Jeff's house. Jeff knew the answers, or if he didn't, his dad did. Let's just say I got in by bringing a pan of brownies. Twice weekly. That was my contribution to calc homework club. Maybe Prep should take up baking?
And LB quoting AFGM in Botany? I'm peeing myself just thinking about it!

9/11/2008 6:39 AM  
Blogger Melissa B. said...

I was up late for the Monday Nite Football game, then at a neighbor's on Tuesday nite, then out with my daughter last nite. I know how you feel--these Dogs are Draggin'!

9/11/2008 9:42 AM  

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