Friday, July 27, 2007

Quick Before I Lose the Connection...

As posted before, I have managed to break the power cord to my school laptop and have been relegated to the dinosaur upstairs. Well, the wireless signal comes and goes of its own freewill up here and I have to post quickly before I lose this signal. For some reason, it works for PrepGirl and BrownBear. I think it knows when I am trying to log on and it just likes to jerk me around.

I have been reading the e-mails posted by my principal from all those with: no lives, nothing better to do, no job (you pick) at the central office. Sorry, but it is true. I am not looking forward to this school year for a myriad of reasons, but the Curriculum Briefings from those clowns is one of them. Sweet Oprah, it was 11, yes, ELEVEN, pages long today. What in hell could possess them to put out a "briefing" that was eleven pages long? I couldn't tell you that either, because I stopped reading. At about page one.

Our school's enrollment is down this year, too, and I found out yesterday that my partner in crime would be the fifth grade scapegoat if people started getting transferred out because the numbers were too low. (I told you I didn't want to go back.)

Got PrepGirl's birthday cake ordered; she and my sister share a birthday on Sunday and sweet mother of Oprah, what a juggling act that has been for years. I never know who is going to be out of sorts - this year, however, PrepGirl is supposed to get her learner's permit. Well, guess what is closed on Mondays in this fine state? You guessed correctly. The Division of Motor Vehicles!!!!!!! She has to wait until Tuesday (7:30AM) to join the unwashed masses in the line for a permit. I hope she passes the test. I can only take her so many times and then I am done.

BrownBear got a call from her 6th grade buddy yesterday and was invited over for dinner and a swim today. You should have seen the palace I pulled up in front of this afternoon. (In my 12 year old Suburban, thank you very much.) But I only felt sorry for BrownBear because she was about sixteen inches taller than every girl there. Including the kid's mother. I wish I was as tall as that girl is going to be.

Tomorrow, I get to spend the governor's money. It is always nice to get free money, but I always wonder how he is going to be expected to be repaid.

And Ann Taylor Loft has a tasty little sale going on right now.

Too bad they'd take away my license if I used the governor's money there.

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Blogger cupcake said...

Dear Oprah in heaven - an 11-page "brief"????? No wonder you're not excited. I am so dreading having to deal with curriculum people and textbook adoptions and all that crap. I feel for ya, sister.

Happy birthday to PrepGirl and your sister, and here's to PrepGirl's fabulous driver's license photo. I do hope she's been practicing in front of a mirror.

7/27/2007 9:39 PM  

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