I usually don't go all politics on you because as the header says, it's all teaching all the time except... well the exception has just been made.
Much has been made about another stupid comment Hillary has offered us. This time, she is talking assassination. Now, people, I remember this one: Bobby Kennedy murdered in California. I was in the second grade and had already started reading the Washington Post on a regular basis. (God, I love my parents.) The day after he was shot, I remember reading the headline that he had died. I watched his funeral, the funeral procession and his burial that beautiful June Saturday afternoon. My parents took the TV out in the backyard and all our neighbors gathered all day long. (Technology being what it was in 1968, we had several extension cords plugged in and hanging out the kitchen window.)
My parents had taken me to President Kennedy's funeral - we stood on some street in Washington and watched as his casket was pulled by us. Now, I don't really remember it, but I have heard the story so many times and have seen so much footage, I believe I remember it, but there really isn't a way that I possibly could.
I grew up believing I was a lifelong Democrat. I married a lifelong Republican. A Milton Friedman economist, Ronald Reagan Republican. Feel my pain.
Early this morning, my beloved
Cupcake wrote a scathing blog about how Hillary had finally disappointed her to the point of forcing her to choose Barack. Here at teachergirl, that hasn't been the case since, oh, Gary Hart. Yeah, I supported Bill Clinton, but probably for all the wrong reasons. I have been systematically disappointed by the Democratic Party for years and when I had to explain to a then 3rd grader (dancing with the words, mind you) why we were impeaching a sitting President, that is when I bolted.
Al Gore would have received my vote if he had stood up and said that what Bill Clinton had done was wrong. I had been a huge Al Gore fan in 1988 when he was first running against Bill Clinton. ( I thought he was the right good ole Southern boy.) Instead, he chose to ignore the stain Bill left on the Oval Office. I believe that if you can't take a stand against something so inherently wrong, you don't deserve to be president.
Hillary is a cold, calculating bitch. There. I said it. I wouldn't eat lunch with her, let alone give her my vote for President. Go to Arkansas with Bill Clinton when she knew he was a dog and wasn't even married to him yet? She was plotting way back then.
And Barack Obama: I don't get him and his popularity. If he wants to come by the house and my classroom for a chat, feel free. But, he and Michelle are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I really don't think they get me. There is no possible way I will be able to watch the news or read the newspaper if he ever becomes President.
And Keith? He has been openly campaigning on MSNBC for Barack Obama since the primary season started. As a journalism student, I always believed that journalists were supposed to keep their own personal preferences
personal. (My best friend's father was a journalist and managed to get himself on Nixon's enemies list. We were proud and afraid at the same time. Keith Olbermann's obvious political preferences probably have him spinning in his grave.)
Yesterday's rant, and yes, let's face it, Keith was in full rant mode, should have been paid for by the Obama campaign. (And please remember, I am no fan of Hillary.) And Keith's sign off---"Good night and good luck:" do NOT go invoking Edward R. Murrow. You are no Edward R. Murrow, Keith, and you never will be.
So, this Memorial Day weekend, let's all go take a think: think about those boys at Lexington and Concord, those boys at Gettysburg and Antietam, those boys at San Juan Hill, those boys at the Battle of the Somme, those boys at Normandy, those boys at Pusan, those boys at Khe Sanh, those boys and girls in the Gulf War and those boys and girls in Iraq and Afghanistan and you decide who you want defending this country and representing it around the world. And do you want Keith Olbermann making your mind up for you?
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